Friday, December 2, 2011

popping in

I told my mom yesterday while we were hanging out that I haven't made a blog post lately because I've had nothing to write about, but that's not true.  I do have things I could say, but I know that if I did, it'd come out as "poor me, waaa waa waaaah," so I've just opted out of the blogging thing for the time being.  Suffice it to say that for the past 6+ months, Mark and I have been going through a trial that's testing the daylights out of us.  (Did I make up that phrase?)  It's a take-it-one-day-at-a-time sort of thing, and God always give just the right amount of grace needed each day to make it through, but that doesn't mean it's easy.  There've been plenty of times that we've both reached the "can this be over yet?" or "new test please!" limit, but apparently God's not ready to allow us to move on.  So we wait, trying to practice patience and trust and obedience.


Maybe when it's over (if it ever ends) I can fill in more details, but for now, I don't feel that's relevant.

On the Roscoe front, we have:
~ crawling, army style.  He doesn't too much prefer hands and knees
~ pulling up onto EVERYTHING.  When I get him up from naps he's waiting for me standing in the corner of the crib (video to come soon)
~ owner of 2 bottom teeth
~ loves to eat
~ weighs about 21 pounds.  Not sure of the height because I haven't measured him in a while
~ still taking 2 naps a day.  he wakes up around 7, on a good day 8, and goes down for a nap at 10.  That's the best time of the day, seeing that he normally sleeps til noon.  Then he takes another around 2.  Once he's up from that he's done napping for the day.
~ he's a handful from 5 pm until bedtime at 8...every day.  If you ever think of me, do so after 5.  Usually Mark isn't home yet and those last 3 hours are the most taxing on me.

In general, he's growing up so fast.  I can't believe he'll be 10 months old in a couple weeks.  I'm sitting in the living room right now, looking over at the spot where he was born.  It seems like just yesterday that I was laboring hard, overly eager to meet him, and now we're quickly approaching his 1st birthday.  It's just surreal.

I do hope that everyone is doing well.  Please forgive me for the lack of updates, I'll try to get better.  Even if it's just about Roscoe.  Love to all!

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